Sunday, June 12, 2011

The hits just keep on coming

Saturday arrived with yet another slap to the face.  I had a horrible night with a sick toddler, so I probably slept no more than 3 hours total.  Even so I was up at 7 o’clock to shower and get dressed.  Ashley woke up crying before I had my outfit together, so I turned on some cartoons to keep her occupied while I got ready.  After last minute issues were taken care of, my mom gave us a ride to the jail since parking was so expensive when I was there on Thursday.  I had asked her to do me that favor yesterday and Lizzy was going to pick us up to go to the meeting afterwards.

We arrived at the jail facility and I got our things together so we could go and visit Alberto.  When we walked in the doors I was surprised that the only people in the lobby area were the two uniformed guards.  Feeling more optimistic I approached the desk and stated my business.  The guard who was a county officer replied rather smartly that visiting was closed because there were too many people waiting to visit on the block where Alberto was being held.  I asked her to please double check for me since this would be the first time Alberto would see his daughter it well over a year.  She called the guard on the block in question, and said that there were still too many people waiting so I would have to visit on another day.  I was crushed.  Though I tried my hardest to maintain my composure, I felt a few tears slip past my guard.  I simply have no defense against any setbacks when it comes to Alberto.  Ashley and I settled ourselves in the lobby to wait for Lizzy to arrive since it was still a little chilly outside.

Lizzy, like me, doesn’t enjoy driving.  This translates to someone who has difficulty getting where they need to go without detailed directions.  Naturally the directions that Lizzy obtained from MapQuest took her on a meandering route and mislabeled the address as being a block away from where it actually was.  Luckily I was out side when she drove by and she saw me in time to go straight instead of making a left turn.  I sat Ashley in the front seat while I secured her car seat in the back and mumbled responses to her questions regarding why I wasn’t able to get in to see Alberto.  I wasn’t able to talk about it yet without breaking down so we left the topic alone and allowed ‘Nancy’ to lead use to Nora’s house for the meeting.  ‘Nancy’ is the name we gave to the voice of the Navigator on my cellular phone that has been a lifesaver since the day I bought it.

When we parked by Nora’s house, my phone rang.  It was Alberto!  I answered the phone and due to the nature of husband I had to guess about 40% of what he was saying because he doesn’t know how to speak up.  He wanted to know if his mom came with me to visit, and I said no.  I want the first visit to be just Ashley and me because he’s less likely to get irritated with me if I started to cry this way.  He can’t stand to see me cry, so that was the reason I was able to be at the hearing on Thursday with dry eyes.  Knowing me the way he does I’m guessing he could figure out that I burst into tears the minute I was out the door.  Anyway as we’re talking he asked me if I put deposited the money.  I had no idea what he was talking about at first and then I remembered that he’d asked me to deposit money for him at the jail when I talked to him Thursday night.  I started to tell him that I’d forgotten because Ashley was sick and how I’d had to take her to the doctor on Thursday and hadn’t worked on Friday because I was so worried about her.  He got mad at me so I got mad at him which ended with him hanging up on me.  Wonderful!  I just agreed to pay another $9.99 for a phone call that wasn’t even 10 minutes long to have my husband hang up on me in a hissy fit.  This day just keeps getting better.

At the meeting I was distracted for a while using the internet on my phone to see what the policies on depositing money for inmate use were.  Luckily the property room is open 7 days a week both in the morning and in the evening.  I decided to speak with my parents when we got home to see if I could run and make that deposit after dinner.  Our discussion for the day surrounded ways we want to try and be intentional with our husbands, as well as how men and women have different approaches to handling situations.  Being intentional to me is fighting to improve the relationship I have with Alberto and not settling for an ok marriage when we both deserve a great marriage.  A good suggestion was making a date night to get away from the worries of life and to simply be together.  I’ll have to remember that for when we’re able to move on with our life together.  The other major portion of the discussion was on how men and women approach conflict or extraordinary situations differently.  An example that everyone had experienced was the frustration of trying to have an argument with a Hispanic man.  Let’s say you start arguing about money for example, during this argument you will get to a point where the man will simply shut down.  I call this Alberto’s Pout-Point since that is how he deals with anger, which is really one of the few emotions I can get him to reveal easily.  When I am fighting with someone, I want to settle the issue now and move on.  Alberto can only tolerant so much arguing before he shuts down and I have to walk away until he is ready to talk again.  Thank God I’m not the only one who has to deal with this!

When we got home after the meeting, Ashley was sleeping so I took her straight down to bed.  She didn’t stay asleep long which was fine since I was early for her nap so we had a little bit of lunch and took a walk.  After our walk I put Ashley down for a nap and went to read for a bit.  After a few coughing fits, Ashley didn’t want to lie down anymore.  We went down and took a nap on my bed and that’s when the ugliest part of the day happened.  She woke up sobbing as though she had a bad dream 3 times in less than 2 hours before she slept soundly for a while.  The last time was awful.  She was so upset and I couldn’t calm her down because she could not wake up.  A night terror!  A night terror is a bad dream, only this dream is lucid so it seems to be 100% real and you are unable to wake up easily if at all.  Ashley has had these before, but they usually only occur in the months following a visit with Alberto.  She sobs, cries while talking, moans, and does the hiccup thing that we all do after sobbing for an extended period of time.  It took me 45 minutes to get her to go back to sleep so she could wake up naturally.  It upsets me when this happens.

After dinner I went down to the jail again to deposit the money.  I spoke to the officer in the property room and she assured me that Alberto would get a copy of the receipt showing him that I had deposited money for him.  Maybe that’ll get him to call me and apologize for hanging up on me this last time.  On my way out I spoke to the guards again about visiting times and suggestions.  It seems like the only way I can be sure to get in to see Alberto is if I’m there an hour before visiting starts.  How exactly I’m supposed to do that with a rambunctious toddler I have no idea.  Tomorrow I’ll call Gisela and let her know that I want to visit Alberto so Ashley needs to be somewhat clean, and that you need to have State or Federal ID to visit.  Alberto is not going to be happy when I tell him about that part, but then at least I’ll be off the hook about getting Gisela over to visit with him.  Does that make me a bad person that I don’t want to bring Gisela to see Alberto with me for at least the first time?

Sleep will be a long time coming tonight I fear.  I only hope that Ashley gets some undisturbed rest that she needs to get better.


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