Tuesday, July 19, 2011

And suddenly, nothing continued to happen...

It’s been really slow since my last post therefore I don’t have much if anything to write about.  There’s enough for a longish summary, so here we go!  The weather forecast states it will continue to be disgustingly humid in Minnesota until the flying monkeys arrive to attack the massive upper-level ridge that has us trapped this heat wave.  The humidity is so high that you sweat rolls down your face after being outside for 5 minutes!  You feel like you’re in sauna, only in verse since the only respite is an air-conditioned environment.  In the Fall, Winter, and Spring we complain about the snow, ice, and those idiots that forget how to drive every year.  During the Summer we complain about the humidity, road construction, and the rough sledding conditions.

One of the more interesting things that happened lately was on Wednesday last week when I got a phone call during the day.  I answered the phone in English for the first time in weeks only to listen to some guy stammer for several seconds.  I tried again in Spanish and this guy proceeded to talk a mile a minute.  The guy was calling regarding the visa application looking to speak with Alberto.  I informed him that Alberto was not available to take any calls at this time and I advised him to contact our attorney.  He read the attorney’s phone number to me for validation and then stated he would be contacting Lance immediately.  I was puzzled by this call, so I emailed Lance with the information I was given as well as the phone number from my caller ID.  I googled the phone number and it came back as a relay number for the National Visa Center, however I suspect he was actually working within the American Consulate of Ciudad Juarez since he evidently did not speak English.  Here is a clear example of why I find the immigration attorney so irritating at times.  Lance replied to my email, “This is odd indeed.  Let me call.  I suspect it is about scheduling and no more.”  He writes as those he were composing a telegram.  Maybe he was abducted and replaced by an android like Data from ‘Star Trek: The Next Generation’.  Either way since we are not processing anything on the immigration front at this time, I found him to be more amusing than anything.  Later it occurred to me this could be the result of my latest email to the Senator’s office requesting assistance.  So far I haven’t heard anything back, but tomorrow or Thursday I will poke at Lance again.

I took care of one outstanding bill last week for Ashley’s pediatrician.  I’ve been strung pretty tightly since the beginning of December so I completely forgot about the bill for the copay until I received a statement in the mail yesterday with a generous late fee attached of course.  As I’ve mentioned before, I have a few items in collections right now so I’m hesitate about opening my mail.  I have not refused to pay any of these debts mind you; I just can’t make any sort of commitment to pay because something always happens when I do to make a bad situation worse.  Plus the minute some peon from a collection agency starts to threaten me with legal action, it tends to tick me off.  My method these last few years involves making settlements with individual collection agencies when I get my tax refunds, although to be honest I keep notes and pay the less annoying ones first.  The result of my method is I pay less than the original debt, but I get stuck with a charge-off on my credit report.  I find this a tolerable exchange since paying off the debt raises my FICO score more than getting another charge-off lowers it.  Currently I am in good standing with 5 creditors and I have charged off 8 collection items.  I am almost out derogatory accounts from my non-fatal case of stupidity.  Unfortunately I have a few health bills joining the fray from when I was uninsured.  Having no health insurance sucks, one doctor’s visit cost me $300 after the uninsured discount plus another $50 in prescriptions.  All my lana goes to pay some doctor sangrĂ³n.  For the most part I have kept the financial situation to myself.  My mother-in-law is chismosa and Alberto takes his inability to provide for his family as an insult to his masculinity.  If I have to make a decision, I bring the options to Alberto and we figure out what is best together. 

Ashley started screaming at 3 am Friday morning because of monsters under her bed.  I was out of bed and out the basement stairs so fast that I was at her bedroom door before I knew I was awake.  She screeched a year off my life she gave me such a start.  I am doing my best to help her get past her irrational fear of the things that go bump in the night, but I don’t know what else to do for her.  She has 2 nightlights, a blue bird I bought her from Target and a plain nightlight.  I’m thinking of replacing the plain nightlight with something with a decorative cover so the light wouldn’t cast such deep shadows.  She also has a small fan in her room to mask sounds that is always on at night and during naps.  I have one ‘nightlight’ from my led alarm clock display, and a fan of my own for the same reasons.  I’m sure I’ve mentioned that I have been afraid of the dark as long as I can remember, but I’m a lot better about it then I was even a few years ago.

Saturday was uneventful just the way I like it.  I had to work in the morning, so Ashley went to Gisela’s house.  When I came back for her at 12:30 I was not surprised to see her running around in her pajamas still.  Such is life, why fight with Gisela about something trivial really?  At least this way her clothes don’t get stained so I don’t have to worry about going out in public with Ashley la mugrosa.  I know that she’s a toddler and people more or less expect her to be dirty, but if I’m clean then she should be as well.  Also, the minute you encounter someone without children, you receive ‘the look’ that labels you as yet another failure in parenting.  A wipe down, change of clothes, and a ponytail later we left for Target. 

Our list was short, but I still ended up leaving with more than I came for.  At least this time I didn’t forget what I actually needed.  We bought sunglasses, lotion, wipes, and a pair of chanclas on clearance that Ashley just had to have.  Who could resist them really?  The chanclas were hot pink with plastic pink ‘jewels’ on the front, and the highlight of the day is when she discovered the pink rainbows they made on the wall from the sun light.  Making Ashley happy is priceless; although I’m glad I can do it with a $3 pair of sandals from Target.

Sunday was interesting.  After lunch my parents came home from Menards with an enormous box containing a wooden playhouse.  Fabulous!  We spent about three hours in the sweltering heat building it, and managed to get it about half completed.  I managed to work myself into a mild cause of heat-exhaustion which goes to show you that even adults who know better can do stupid things.  We had fried chicken from Cub which is the best out there, with a side of hissy fit from the toddler who did not take her nap.

Since this is a longer than average post, we’ll stop there for tonight.  Maybe tomorrow I’ll talk about the fight that almost happened while we were waiting to see Alberto on Monday.

“Whether the weather be fine, Whether the weather be not, Whether the weather be cold, Whether the weather be hot, We'll weather the weather, Whatever the whether, Whether we like it or not”


Interesting Spanish words/phrases from this post:
Lana:           Money (literally wool)
SangrĂ³n:      Blood-sucking
Chismosa:    A gossip
Mugrosa:      Dirty
Chanclas:     Sandals, although typically refers to a flip-flop

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