In effort to give my child summer memories that she will hopefully look back upon fondly, I signed Ashley up for Summer Power and Day Camp through our local YMCA. Summer Power went as expected, she got to go on fieldtrips and made new friends while in a safe environment that was significantly cheaper than Preschool. We did have a few behavioral issues the first few weeks, but I’m hoping that this transition from Preschool to Summer Power will help her make a smooth transition into Kindergarten. I have a meet the teacher and Kindergarten orientation event coming up that I need to be prepared for. I had been watching the advertisements for the last month to see who would offer the best deal on the supplies she is responsible to bring to school on her first day. In the end I still ended up going to Target, and I’m sure that my $20 was well spent. I need to start going through her clothing and weed out the items that are too small and supplement whatever is left with a well-timed shopping trip to Once Upon a Child. I honestly don’t know what I would do without my neighborhood second-hand stores; I only wish they had more selection for women my size.
I swear that if I had the money I would quit my job and make it my mission in life to harass the USCIS into compliance. Our attorney went to an InfoPass appointment earlier this week and was told that our file was in Minnesota for nearly a year before being transferred out to the California Service Center near the end of April. Our file then spent its summer vacation lazing on the beach in the California sun under review where just last week it was referred for a special internal review due to ‘security reasons’. At this time our file is still in California under this special review. If nothing else this appointment served to show that a band of rabid chimpanzees are more organized than the USCIS on a good day.
Lance’s new plan of action is to send the USCIS a letter informing them that they have 45 days to send the file to the NVC for consular processing or we will SUE them for their needless delay of our case. In return I am only being asked to be ready to follow through with the lawsuit if the USCIS does not comply. I would be more than delighted to sue the government!
I forwarded this new information to Diana, even though she has been mostly unhelpful since Alberto’s deportation, if only to make sure someone else feels bad for the treatment I am experiencing at the hands of the government. I managed to talk to my neighbor who is in the know, and he is baffled by this newest development. He also requested that I keep my word and produced the promised truffles, but that will have to wait on time and opportunity.
I can’t really do any cooking when I have my 1 ½ year old nephew Trevor trying to climb up my leg. I love my nephews and all that but seriously – go bug your parents. I want my husband back, our own place, to take my new pots and pans out of the box, buy bake ware, and get started on a sibling for Ashley. Is that really too much to ask?
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