I don’t know about you, but I like to keep an eye out on the plight of the immigrant in other states besides the one I reside in. Maybe I’m looking to keep my options open should I ever decide to leave the frozen north, but I feel better for it. The latest news is from East Haven Connecticut, where four police officers have been arrested by the FBI in regards to human rights violations and racial profiling. Joseph Maturo, the mayor of this town, was interviewed about the accusations and accusations. He stated that the officers ‘were innocent until proven guilty’. When asked about his plans for outreach in the Latino community, Maturo thought for a moment before saying, "I might have tacos when I go home. I'm not quite sure yet," he mockingly responded. Since that comment he has apologized for being insensitive and claims that his comment was taken out of context. You can decide for yourself by watching the interview at this link. The response of the community and its supporters was hand-delivered to Maturo’s office at 1:30 pm Thursday in the form of 500 tacos. The article says that the tacos were later delivered to soup kitchens in the area to feed the people in need, although it doesn’t say whose idea that was. I think the point was made though, and I hope it makes someone jockeying for position in the presidential race think about the state of our country for a moment.
My bank lovingly received my paycheck this morning, only to hemorrhage 90% of the funds in a matter of hours. I’m hoping to be able to file my taxes this weekend, although I’m on the fence about how to do them. Should I use Turbo Tax like I did every year before we got married, or go to the accountant in the same building as Lance’s law firm that I used the first 2 years after we got married. My cousin Kim would normally do my taxes from H&R Block since she would give me the friends & family discount. There is no way I would pay what they would charge me otherwise, my receipt last year said I saved $240 after paying $20 for my federal and state returns. I can’t afford to pay that much for essentially the same services I get through Turbo Tax. The accountant would even be cheaper! I will receive a decent refund again this year, but sadly the majority of the funds will go to paying off collections, paying down debt, and going into reserve for immigration. Whatever is left over will be used to buy something fun for my loved ones.
I emailed Lance this morning to see if he’d heard anything from Judge Whatshisface in regards to the decision he was supposedly going to make before the hearing on Monday. I got a response within minutes that he hadn’t heard anything, but he planned on calling later today. Well at 4 pm I emailed again to see what, if anything, he had learned. He responded within minutes that Judge Whatshisface was now yelling at his clerk for not getting it done, and that we would have to go to court on Monday morning. I am just getting so damn tired of all of this. Lance said the chances of another continuance are low, which is great because I honestly don’t think Alberto can last much longer in jail. I sincerely hope that Judge Whatshisface makes the right decision and Boris Badenov gets disappointed on Monday. I just wish that I could bring Alberto home with me, even if it was only for a few days. I just miss him so much.
I’m trying to make some plans to hang out with my cousin Rae soon. I haven’t really seen Rae since her wedding back in September and I miss her. I wonder why it is that you can live by someone and not get together for so long, but the minute they’re too far away to make plans there is nothing you want more? I’m sure it’s just another form of wanting what you can’t have which I experience entirely too much of. I need a distraction and I want to do something fun.
Maybe something good will come out the immigration hearing on Monday. I need to hope because without hope, I have nothing.
“When things are bad, we take comfort in the thought that they could always be worse. And when they are, we find hope in the thought that things are so bad they have to get better.”
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