Tuesday, May 7, 2013

And then I got mad. I got terribly MAD.

Today I received an email from the Customer Assistance Office (CAO) which I believe is in response to the inquiry that I submitted to the CIS Ombudsman (CISOMB) office. The email simply stated that the response to my inquiry was attached, but I felt my heart stop when I saw the title of one of the two attachments. Obviously I opened the attachment titled “MENDEZ_DENIAL_NOTICE” first because I needed to know what the denial was in regards to. I was beyond relieved when I saw that it was nothing more than a copy of the original notice we received back in July 2012, so I opened the second attachment to see what response the government sent me that required a copy of the denial notice. The letter read something like this:

      On Behalf of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), thank you for the inquiry to the DHS Citizenship and Immigration Ombudsman regarding the status of your spouse’s for I-601, Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility, and Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status. The inquiry has been assigned case # 00000000.
      Your inquiry was forwarded to the USCIS, Customer Assistance Office (CAO). The CAO is dedicated to proactively providing information and guidance to USCIS applicants, petitioners, and advocates regarding immigration benefits.
      USCIS records indicate that your spouse’s Form I-601 and Form I-485 applications were denied on July ##, 2012, by the field office. That office sent your spouse a notice for each application, explaining the decision to the address that was on file. Please note that USCIS is not able to extend the period for your spouse to file an appeal of these decisions. Therefore, please have your spouse follow the instructions on the notices carefully and, if applicable, submit any appeals, motions to reopen, or other documents accordingly. As a courtesy, we have attached copies of the original denial notices. If your spouse needs additional assistance with an immigration-related issue in the future, he may visit our website at www.uscis.gov or call our National Customer Service Center 1-800-375-5283. 
      We trust this information is helpful. 

 I believe it was the last sentence, ‘We trust this information is helpful’, that made my blood boil until I could almost see the thin stream of smoke coming out of my ears. I forwarded everything to our attorney and asked if this was just another example of USCIS’s inability to process anything correctly when it comes to our file. Lance responded much as I expected that this is “a rather useless email” and it “does not explain why your spouse petition is back in California” as well as reiterating our plan was to redo the visa/waiver portion whenever we are finally allowed to do so. I then forwarded the email and attachments to Diana to see if she could make sense of what was going on.

      Hi Diana:
      I was hoping for a personal miracle in that my next email would contain good news and perhaps someday I will send you good news; however that day is not today.
      I received this email from the Customer Assistance Office (CAO), which I believe to be a response resulting from the CISOMB office inquiry. Upon opening the email my eyes were immediately drawn to the first attachment, a document titled: MENDEZ_DENIAL_NOTICE. My heart stopped as I opened the attachment, only to start again when I noticed the date was July ##, 2012 telling me this was simply a copy of the original denial letter. I opened the attachment and had to read it twice.
      It appears the CAO is under the impression we were appealing the I-601 decision when it is clearly not the case. In my opinion, the letter is mildly chastising since we are well beyond the 30 day time period in which we would have been eligible to appeal, and instructs the applicant to read the attached denial notice again in order to follow instructions. If US-ICE filed the order of removal in the correct file, instead of losing the paperwork like they did with his parole documents, they should have the document which states that we waived the option to appeal.
      The last sentence of the letter, “We trust this information is helpful” makes me want to respond stating that it is not helpful in the least. Is there any way to discover where our file is currently located and what they are actually doing with it? It has long been my suspicion that they are making intricate paper airplanes from our file and launching them one-by-one from the roof of their office building.
      Please help me get information regarding the actual case status. Thank you,

 Diana responded quickly.

      Hi Deza:
      I’ve been continuing to work on your case from our office. Our liaison at the California Service Center has requested your entire file so that it can be reviewed and the status can be determined. If you are making further contact at this time, please ensure that anyone you speak with at USCIS is not requesting your file, as this will only further delay the review. I’ll keep you posted.

That is at least something. I forwarded everything to Lance and advised that I would refrain from contacting the CISOMB and any other USCIS organization to keep our file from going on an extended vacation. I’m still in one hell of a bad mood and will probably smack the first person that mouths off to me. I hope it’s someone that deserves it.

I think I need to look into yoga or meditation as a form of stress relief therapy. It’s too bad I have nowhere in my house that I could escape to do it and lord knows when I finally get home at the end of my day I have no desire to go anywhere. I’ll have to look and see what’s available at my neighborhood YMCA; if they don’t have a class available then I could sweat my frustrations away in the gym. I’ll need to choose between loud music and movement, or dimmed lights and instrumentals, but either way I should see some health benefits from my effort.

“I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me at once.”
Jennifer Yane Ciao


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