Saturday, July 27, 2013

Distressing anniversaries

Last week was particularly hard on me in ways that I hadn't anticipated. My psychiatrist canceled my appointment a few hours before I was supposed to go and see her. I was counting on being able to discuss my feelings and this desperate need to occupy myself with a rational third party. I had been hoping that she might have some special tip to combat the anxiety that was threatening to strangle me on a near daily basis. Maybe it's time I put some serious time into finding either a meditation or yoga class that could work with my schedule.

For the last two weeks Alberto had been sending me a message through Facebook. It wasn't elaborate, just a simple good morning, but it was really nice to know that he was thinking of me while he was 2000 miles away. One day the messages stopped without warning or any apparent reason. For two whole days I heard nothing, my phone calls to Alberto's cell phone didn't ring half the time and my calls to the Madrina weren't going through either. By the time I got through to the Comadre I had envisioned a catastrophe and Alberto in the hospital with no way to communicate with me. The Comadre said that Alberto was still in Mexico City and working in the store, so I asked her to tell the Compadre to have Alberto contact me.

By this point I had been frantic. I had missed out on a much needed appointment with my psychiatrist and it was now the anniversary of the single worst day of my life up to this point. I NEEDED to talk to Alberto almost more than I needed to breathe! I didn't know what was going on in Mexico and I was slowly losing my mind over my perceived inactivity. Another day passed before I got a Facebook message in which Alberto told me his phone had been stolen, and giving me his new phone number. Curiously enough the calls that followed didn't go through either, but I was later told that he had been in his parent's pueblo where he never gets cell phone signal. I was frustrated enough by this whole saga that I emailed Diana and Lance to see if anyone knew anything yet.

To: Diana

I am writing this email with the express purpose of occupying myself for a short period of time. I'm hoping that the liaison is having some success in locating and obtaining our file as I am in dire need of some good news after this past weekend.

Ashley has been asking me nearly every day when we can go and see her daddy again. Just last Thursday she made a wish on a dandelion that daddy could come home and we could all live 'happily ever after'. She promised to use her super big girl listening ears so that he never has to make a frowny face because of her. Naturally since this was the 1 year anniversary of our I-485/I-601 packet denial, I was unable to handle the emotions my baby's wish invoked with any grace. My emotional state further deteriorated when I was unable to reach my husband, who is my rock, and so passed a perfectly miserable sleepless night.

Alberto finally contacted me on Saturday evening to tell me his phone had been stolen, and after talking to him several times since then my emotions have begun to even out. I am truly grateful for my upcoming appointment with my psychiatrist although since I am on the highest dose of medication my body will tolerate the best she can do is lend me a shoulder.

This situation is what purgatory must be like, I only wonder what awful crime we must have committed in order to deserve this.

With hope,

The email to Lance was identical I'll refrain for posting it here, although he responded immediately that we would talk next week after he was back in town. Most of my email exchanges with Lance are entertaining to say the least, so there was a reference to hoping he does something fun that doesn't involve emailing his neurotic clients. Apparently instead of dancing in the rain with his toddler he decided the appropriate activity would be to check his emails. Sometimes I question his priorities. Shortly after this exchange I received a response from Diana.

To: Deza

Thank you for keeping in touch. I regret to hear that things have continued to be so difficult. Please know that we are continuing to work with our liaison to locate your file and that I have reached out to her again earlier this week. I'll let you know as soon as we have any news to share.


Well isn't that special. I'd like to reach out to some of these people myself, but with the intention of smacking them upside the head. I'm starting to wonder if Lance didn't have the right of it and we should have pursued assistance from the CISOMB instead of through Senator Franken's office. I hope Lance has a few more tricks up his sleeve like his Hollywood counterpart from the 2002 Musical 'Chicago': Billy Flynn. 

Hope everyone enjoys the movie clip. Until next time...


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